
The site has its name for a reason...

I've been the kind of person that likes to write things ever since I was young. More than that, I have been the kind of person who likes the idea of writing ever since I was young. I don't think I can even recall the stories I've let unfinished since I was a kid. I can certainly recall the volumes of bad poetry I wrote as a teenager.

Lots of time, what currently adds up to about a third of your life seems like "lots," later I find myself desiring to write but always approaching a sort of mental block. I don't want to be the person I was when I was in high school, and that happens to be the person I was the last time I wrote with any regularity. I don't want to be making others uncomfortable by putting too much of myself out there for the world to see.

Of course this is the Internet and blogs are sort of made for that. Right?

(You can see that I think, and overthink, this a lot. In fact, in the last year or so, it has been one of the things I have thought of the most. If there are ever more than three updates on here, they will most likely contain this sort of overthinking and, more specifically, this kind of aside.)

Most of what blocks me from writing will likely be examined ad nauseum here if I can pull this off because I can never quite expose them to the light of day. The three things that drive me to it are much easier to apprehend:

1. I want to write. Simple. I need some sort of outlet and this will be it.
2. It will help me think things through. I am the kind of person that thinks things through by talking about them. It is annoying as hell but it is how I am. Writing is a one way conversation and my insecurities help me to work things out like a conversation. Expect a lot of "both sides" talk from me.
2. I have had one person give me "permission." I was explaining my issue to someone I trust and he tongue-in-cheekedly gave me the permission to write. I understood the joke but it somehow clicked in my brain.
4. I have had one person, without prompting, say that they would enjoy reading a blog that I wrote. That is actually the biggest reason I decided to actually put this out there.

For now, this is something I plan on not spreading around. I want to write for myself for a while before I start letting people in. The reason I am doing it in public is because I need an audience or the potential of an audience to speak to.

Things to expect:
1. Commas. I overuse them.
2. Parentheses. See Commas.
3. Random snippets of thought on philosophical and academic theological topics. Most will likely be underdeveloped since they only mature in me in fits and starts.
4. Rants about my hobbies. Magic the Gathering. Poker. Hombrewing.
5. Obligatory thoughts about my life.
6. Confusion. It is my defining characteristic.

There. I now have an introduction and have a shaky reason for being. We'll see what happens from here.


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