
I have a job interview on Wednesday at 9am. Pray for me.

I'm editing this because I'm bored. I want to write something but I can't find anything to play in the background while I do except for Frasier. And that's distracting me too much to actually write fiction. It seems like I should be able to buckle down because the story I have in my head has the potential for being awesome. It also has the potential to completely change the world I've been building. I just can't get it on paper so I'm at least doing some sort of writing.

Does anyone feel like the it is easier to write only after you've been penning nonsense for a day or so? Maybe it just comes down to getting in the habit. I want to get in the habit because David Weber has a New York Times Bestseller with no less than 7 misuses of the word "then," at least one missing question mark, and several gruesome attempts at apposition in the first 300 pages. I can do this. I know it. (Maybe.)

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