
Podcast reflections

I listen to podcasts over at Ancient Faith Radio every day as I work. I've also taken to listening to the Scriptures. I take lots of random notes. I suppose I'll keep them here with a link to whichever show I'm currently listening to since that's easier than writing them on pieces of paper that I then lose. If anyone ever reads this, perhaps they'll be grounds for discussion.

I just started listening to the podcast Teach Me Thy Statutes this week and the first few episodes are on the book of James. I'll link to individual episodes in the future and I'll probably just throw up notes when I get home as I come across them.

Today's episodes:
TMTS - No Man Can tame the Tongue
TMTS - The Wisdom That Is From Above
TMTS - You Also Be Patient
TMTS - The Prayer of a Righteous Man
TMTS - The Epistle of St. Peter: An Introduction
As I don't remember exactly which ones inspired some of my notes today, I'll just go ahead and group them together.

1.) Meekness ≠ weakness
Meekness = strength that is under control
Meekness = the passions in check

2.) Suffering is not brought upon us by God but it may not be lifted by Him for our benefit or the benefit of others.

- Scripture's authority is from the Church.
- The Church recognizes and establishes what Scripture is. It defines Scripture.
- Scripture is not intended as a historical textbook or a textbook of any kind; at least not in the modern sense. Instead, it is an instruction book in the spiritual life.
- Even historical books are deuteronomistic/salvation/spiritual history. They deliberately interpret events through the eyes of faith. (Which is the truest way to interpret it.)

TMTS - A Heavenly Inheritance 1 Peter 1:3-12
1.) 1 Peter 1:3 The word used for "born again" or "begotten us again" here is connected to baptism. (I need to get back on that Greek train...) cf. Titus 3:5
1 Peter and 2 Peter
1.) I was quite struck by the end of Peter's second epistle. I went to a Dispensationalist school and every time I read or hear a passage about the Second Coming, I still have trouble figuring out how they justify their eschatology. It seems pretty clear that Jesus comes back and that's the end. I should say it is clear everywhere but Revelation and that is apocalyptic literature so who knows what it really means?
TMTS - Gird Up the Loins of Your Mind - 1 Peter 1:13-25
1.) 1 Peter 1:18, "Traditions" here are specifically the Jews' traditions. This, as elsewhere, is not a condemnation of all tradition but of traditions of men which add to the burden of those attempting to be faithful. Apostolic Tradition is God's tradition.
2.) "You've got to ask yourself what the 'therefore' is there for." LOL Lines like this are among the things I miss the most from my Bible college days.
TMTS - A Living Stone
1.) 1 Peter 2:5, "Spiritual sacrifice" can be translated "rational sacrifice" as in the liturgy.

And that's it for this one. More to come on Monday.

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