
It needs to go somewhere.

I've gotten rid of all my social media but keep wanting to say things. So... I guess this place is a good enough repository.

I want and need to go back to school next year since I'll be able to get the resident rate at that point. I need to know what I want to do before taking any classes. I keep making lists for things I'm interested in doing and there is one actual field of study that incorporates all of them: biblical studies.

That didn't turn out so well last time, but linguistics, narrative criticism, philosophy, and writing all in the same area? How can one resist?

Also on the list are commercial writing and mortician.

Despite that, it is still an important part of the Christian's life so I am trying to get back into it. For Lent I'm reading through the whole thing and will decide which area I want to dig in to first. The library system seems to have a fair selection of commentaries so I'll be able to do a lot of ground work without having to invest money in books. Which is good because I'm poor.

(Speaking of which, does anyone have a full time position available in Pittsburgh?)

The other method that I'm using is, since the pace will be so extreme, keeping a journal of all the questions I have as I read through. It will be a decent starting point for further study. Yay plans! (Hopefully I can follow through.) I'm going to go ahead and post my questions here as I read them. It is only a few weeks until we start.

Anyway, putting some words in a blank space feels good for now.

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